Tuesday, July 27, 2010

assignment 1-wallpaper

Hey there,

Our first assignment is given a task by creating a wallpaper by using adobe photoshop with title-FOM Open Day.
This is the final work of my wallpaper:
(a) we have to set up and choosing the right paper that we gonna use-international paper,CMYK etc.
(b)we have to dowload the suitable images according the images' pixels/types that stated-jpeg,jpg,gif etc.
(c)choose file-open- my picture(picture that i have downloaded).Then,paint the white paper into black by using 'Paint Bucket Tool(G).

(d)remove the unwanted sides using 'Eraser tool'.

(i) Before (ii) After

(e) Using 'move tool' to move the 'head' to the black n blank paper and adjusting the size of the 'head' by using 'ctrl T' and press 'shift' when adjusting its' size.

(f) Choose the 'deco' that i want to put in the 'head' and cut the 'deco' by using 'quick selection tool' and 'magic wand tool'. Afterthat,using the 'move tool' to move the 'deco' into the wallpaper and adjusting its size and angle. Do the same things by continue move n paste the 'deco' by 6 times into the wallpaper.
(i) Before (ii) After

(g) Add in the images that related to the themes or titles (pig,chart,earth,money and people). All of it using the same steps by cut it using 'quick selection tool' and move it into the wallpaper.
Except the 'people' that need to add on effects such as drop shadow,bevel and emboss,gradient overlay and stroke.
(p/s: Before move the objects into the 'wallpaper',used the 'filter- filter gallery' to change the style,color n appearance of the object,such as the 'people' )

(h) Add on the MMU address and logo.

(i) Using the 'horizontal type tool' to create the word-'Faculty Of Management' and add-in several effects such as bevel and emboss and gradient overlay.

(j) Using 'horizontal type tool' to create the details of 'date,time and venue' and 'OPEN DAY'. The 'OPEN DAY' used effects like outer glow,bevel and emboss,gradient overlay,stroke. The 'date,time and venue' used effects of inner glow.
(p/s: all the effects can be found n used in -layer-layer style-blending options)

The above shows all the steps that i used to create this wallpaper.

From: Choy Hui Hui ^^ (1091102820)

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